Category Archives: Strategy

Unlocking the Power of Triple Net Leases: The Secret to Passive Income for Real Estate Investors

Unlocking the Power of Triple Net Leases: The Secret to Passive Income for Real Estate Investors

For those who are learning about where to invest their money in Singapore for beginners , imagine owning a commercial property, collecting consistent rental income month after month, all while someone else takes care of the taxes, insurance, and maintenance. Sounds like a dream, right? Welcome to the world of triple net leases—a real estate […]



For beginners learning to invest their own money in Singapore, it is beneficial to invest your time in studying investment classics. This allows you to expand your circle of competence and allow you to have a larger opportunity set. One book that many investors recommend is the Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. Today, we will […]

Value investing for Beginners Singapore: how investors make money

How value investors make money

What is Dividend Yield and why is it important for investors? Those who are learning about where to invest their money in Singapore for beginners will have came across many different strategies such as dividend yield, growth investing or value investing.  Of these value investing is probably the most famous, as it was made prominent […]

How you may want to consider investing in ETF and index funds

index fund singapore post picture

As beginners learning how and where to invest money in Singapore, we tend to have a unique interest in investment products that offer high dividend yield. This is the reason why many had invested in Reits such as Capitaland Commercial Trust, an associate of Capitaland and Mapletree Logistic Trust, an associate of Mapletree Investments. However, […]

What are dividends and is a high yield strategy viable

What are dividends and is a high yield strategy viable picture

In learning how to invest in Singapore, you will often hear the words ‘dividend’ and ‘dividend yield’ being tossed around in analytical speak. However, what are these and how are they calculated. Dividend is a payment from the company to its shareholders. This payment is often a percentage of the company’s earnings over the last […]

Different definition of Business Trust and Reit in Singapore

Different definition of Business Trust and Reit in Singapore picture

Those who are learning how to invest their money in Singapore will be very interested in the Real Estate Investment Trust Space. For many, buying into a good REIT with high dividend yield and strong consistent DPU growth means that they will get to enjoy the distribution of the REIT’s earnings every quarter. However, apart […]

What is the meaning of Asset under management in Singapore

As a beginner learning how and where to investment money in Singapore, you will come across this term ‘asset under management’ frequently. However, what is Asset Under Management and how is it different from total Assets? Who uses Asset under Management? Many investment management firms use the term. This can include real estate companies such […]